April Minister’s letter

April Minister’s letter Are you a glass half-full or half-empty sort of person?  Marvin (the paranoid android from Douglas Adams’ “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”) was always rather depressed and gloomy.  On one occasion he said “Funny, how just when you think life can’t possibly get any worse it suddenly does.”  Not what you want […]

March Ministers’ Letter

March Minister’s letter Dear friends This month we become increasingly aware that spring is with us. As I write this in early February there are already signs of new life emerging with the snowdrops popping up in the garden. But they weren’t the first signs of colour; some tiny little violets beat them to it […]


Waiting It was the 10th November.  We had driven back to Norfolk from the North West and arrived in Hoveton to find Roy’s bedecked with Christmas trees and lights – we had already bemoaned the appearance on TV of Christmas adverts during that week!  It seems these days we are always trying to “get ahead” […]


A prayer for remembrance A Prayer for Remembrance Every-living God, We remember those whom you have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of your presence; May that same peace calm our fears, Bring justice to all peoples And establish harmony among the nations, Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Source: The Church […]

God’s world

God’s world Dear friends. You may have already heard about COP 26 and if, like me, you wondered what it means the ‘COP’ stand for “Conference of the Parties”. From 31st October to 12th November, Glasgow will host the United Nations Climate Change Conference. The ‘26’ also tells us that this is the 26th attempt […]

Autumn, a new season

Autumn, a new season Although I am writing this on a warm (slightly muggy) September day, by the time you read it we shall be into October and a definite feel of autumn will be in the air.  “The times they are a-changin’”, sang Bob Dylan.  Or, if you prefer something more scriptural, the writer […]

September – Minister’s letter

September – Minister’s letter Dear friends. It was my birthday in August and my sister gave me the most wonderful present – a day out sailing the Broads on a Wherry Yacht. It was a glorious, relaxing day and the other passengers were excellent company too. It was a special occasion for both Wendy and […]

Reversed ambition

Reversed ambition Loving God,we are rather in the habitof drawing up hopoes and plans and strategies,and then asking you to blessthe decisions we have already made. But maybe, that is not how you would have us be?Perhaps you know,as we, too, in our better moments realise,that hopes can be unrealistic and easily dashed,strategies might merely […]


Goals “He’s football crazy, he’s football mad, the football game has robbed him of the wee bit of sense he had” (Robin Hall and Jimmy McGregor) I have never been a fan of the “beautiful game”, despite Douglas’ devotion to Wolverhampton Wanderers, but, during the Euros I felt a compulsion to watch and cheer our amazing young […]

August – Minister’s Letter

August – Minister’s Letter Dear friends Do you make plans and then find they don’t go how you intended?  I recently had a short boating holiday planned with a friend but the boat was still “under maintenance” so we booked a campsite instead.  My friend duly arrived with camping gear, drove on to the campsite, […]