Our session was held on 16th October, when we continued our journey looking at the start of the early church. We were continuing the stories of Peter this session finding him being thrown in prison by Herod Agrippa awaiting execution.
This is really good story, reminding us about the importance of prayer and praying for each other, but also, sometimes God answers our prayers in ways we could hardly dream of. We can totally underestimate that God can do far more than we can imagine, after all he is God and that’s exactly what happens in our story today…..
You can read the story in Acts
The children talked about prayer and some of the situations in the world today; they are troubled by events in Ukraine and don’t understand the Russian politics (who does?) and want to see peace. We talked about the power of prayer and how they can ask God to bring about peace. We then went through the story.
… Peters friends were continually praying inside Mary’s house for his release; meanwhile Peter had been set free from the prison by an angel sent from God and was banging on the door. Rhoda the servant girl was so surprised to hear Peter’s voice that she forgot to let him in and went to tell the others inside.
They thought Rhoda had gone mad as Peter was in prison (so they thought). When the banging on the door continued, they all wen to see and couldn’t believe their eyes!
We listened to Tauren Wells sing “When we Pray” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqicUCaa6ag
And looked at verses in the bible about prayer
We prayed using paper chains using different colours one for saying thanks, one for prayers for others and one for things we are concerned about.
We tried watching the Superbook episode covering of the story but had technical problems and had to abandon it.
We then handed-out the Church Anniversary books for the children where each child receives a book from the church, to mark the anniversary of when Wroxham and Hoveton URC was founded.
Jam and/or custard doughnuts were consumed by all.
We ended playing the “jailer and the keys” game having to creep up and grab the keys.