Sunday 24th July was the last JAM session before the summer holidays. We were delighted to have two visiting children attend the session too.
We remembered our previous session together which saw the coming of God’s spirit to the followers of Jesus, at Pentecost. We continued with the story of the Early Church, following the disciple Peter, when he visited Cornelius, a Roman Centurion who worshiped God.
Peter has a dream that repeated 3 times, that led him to understand that God’s love is for everyone.
Against Jewish law, he visited Cornelius and his family, where God’s spirit fills everyone there, just how it had on the followers on the day of Pentecost, confirming for Peter, that God’s love is for everyone, not just for the Jews.
This was a major shift in the understanding of the early Christians and changed everything.
We encouraged the children to try something different by choosing fruit for a kebab (unusual fruits, that they would not normally eat).

We thought about us showing Gods love to others and watched and listened to a book called “A Rainbow of Friends” by P.K. Hallinan, you can see it online at
We followed this by praying about people we found hard to get on with, choosing a skittle sweet of a flavour that we would least choose to eat, as we prayed.
We the listened to a song “Love God, Love People” by Dan Gokey
We then tried the action song “God’s Love is Big”
We watched the Superbook episode “Peter and Conelius”
We finished by creating rainbow skittle plates – see picture.