We were delighted to welcome Mark & Debra from Operation Christmas Child join us to tell us about the wonderful work their organisation does. Parents also stayed to listen. We heard that over 200 million shoeboxes packed with love and gifts had been distributed over the last 30 odd years to children around the world who, often, have never received a gift or maybe the shoebox represents the only gift they would receive for a long time.

Over the year, our church and visitors to The Hub have donated items to pack in shoeboxes for this year’s appeal. We sorted the hundreds of items into trays before the JAM session and then invited the JAM members to select things from each tray to put into the box or boxes they were filling together with a personal note, saying a little bit about themselves.

We were very fortunate to have Josh, Ayden & Ann-Marie help the children with the packing.
In the end, we had 22 boxes filled which were taken over to The Hub ready for the blessing of the boxes on Sunday 17th November before they start their long journeys to end up in the hands of the children who need them.
We thank everyone for contributing to the items we packed; the children had lots of fun as well as learning about the work of Operation Christmas Child.