Jammy News 6th October
We started our session with the JAM members mixing the ingredients together to make 2 rock cakes each. This sticky, messy beginning was linked to today’s theme….

We then tried to remove pieces from a Jenga tower until, eventually, it collapsed.

In the group we shared our news together, this session the children shared many personal achievements that we could all celebrate together- achievements at school and achievements by fundraising and helping other organisations. We were very proud of all our JAM members.
Our story today continued our theme of the life of Jesus and looked at another Parable that Jesus taught, the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders. While we went through the story, two of our members acted the parts of the wise and foolish builders.
The children heard how Jesus was teaching a crowd of followers on a hill (The Sermon on the Mount); the people listened to him as he taught and then he added this parable, wanting them to know it wasn’t just hearing what God wanted but more importantly it was putting it into action. He likened the wise builder as someone who heard the word of God and tried to live Gods way, saying that those who heard His words and followed them were building strong foundations in their lives; those who did not, were foolish, like the builder who built his house on sand.
We did a practical demonstration, where we used Jenga blocks to build a house on a rock (brick) and another one on top of a sandcastle; we then simulated a storm (jug of water) and watched how the house on the rock stood firm and the house on the sandcastle crashed down in a heap.

At the end we watched a video from The Saddleback Kids
And then we prayed together
We each chose a small stone to hold and prayed for ourselves and others and followed this with building a tower, using giant Jenga and we all took it in turns to add a block saying God is……. we said things like “My rock”, “Strong”, Creator “Love” etc. etc…as we built a tower.
We listened to a song “The Rock” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnMyj46IMKo
We then ate our rock cakes and followed this with decorating beach pebbles which were large and relatively flat. Some of the results are shown below.