A worshipping community was formed in 1970 as “Wroxham Free Church”. In 1973, when the national Presbyterian and Congregational Churches combined to become The United Reformed Church, we also changed our name. We started in Hoveton Village Hall, but for the last 30 years our services have been held mostly here ———>
Other activities have taken place in hired halls or members’ homes.
Hoveton Village Hall
St. Mary's Wroxham
St. Mary's Wroxham
St. Hellen's R.C. Church
St. Mary's Church Hall
St. Mary's Church Hall
The old van hire workshop, opposite The Avenue, presented us with an exciting opportunity for conversion into a building suited to our informal style of worship, together with facilities for a variety of community uses.
The new building was completed in 2014. Come along and find out what is on offer. This is a place of worship, but it is also a centre for the local community. It is known as The Wroxham Hub.
There are three rooms, which the community can hire, with a ‘tea room’ where food and drink can be heated.
With cuts in government services, we are able to provide a comfortable meeting place for adults and welcome young people. A variety of local groups use the building. One of the groups is The University of the Third Age (U3A), which covers a whole range of activities.
Of course, what is now a nice warm modern building, didn’t just happen. It spent some time in the planning stage – numerous meetings with the architect, builders and electricians. Starting off with an old garage workshop, it took about nine months to complete –