March Minister's letter
Dear friends
This month we become increasingly aware that spring is with us. As I write this in early February there are already signs of new life emerging with the snowdrops popping up in the garden. But they weren’t the first signs of colour; some tiny little violets beat them to it this year, along with one of our roses that grow in a pot on the patio which has begun to bloom already, and a mass of bright crocuses beside the Ipswich Rd. Although March sees the start of Lent, we can already see in creation the signs of the renewal of life and the reminder of the eternal hope we have in resurrection.
As you know, I enjoy the Psalms and beautiful crisp spring mornings remind me of Psalm 65, especially in the Message paraphrase;
“Dawn and dusk take turns calling, “Come and worship.”
Oh, visit the earth, ask her to join the dance!
Deck her out in spring showers, fill the God-River with living water.
Paint the wheat fields golden.
Creation was made for this!”
As a keen photographer I particularly enjoy seeing the fresh sights of spring, but as a “Countryfile” programme a few years ago reminded me, we have other senses with which to enjoy spring too. If we can get outdoors there is plenty of birdsong we can hear. You can feel the warmth of the sun on your face at last (assuming it’s not raining!) There might even be some early blossom this month to scent the air. This year our sense of taste is in for a real treat as Shrove Tuesday falls on the 1st of March – it’s pancake day. For those of us with a sweet tooth it’s a highlight of the year which comes with a difficult choice. Do you eat your pancakes with golden syrup, maple syrup or lemon and sugar?
Spring is both a time of the hope and expectation we experience in nature. It is also a time for reflection on our faith as we think of Jesus’ journey to the cross – so how about being attentive to how we use our senses to experience Lent and Holy Week? In the Lent course there is a week when we will look at nourishment – ideal for our sense of taste. There may be a walk of witness during which you could feel the weight of the cross. On Good Friday I will lead a ‘Stations of the Cross’ with images to aid our reflections. We can hear the Bible readings of the season once again. And if we catch the scent of perfume in the air it will remind us of the devotion of Mary who bathed the feet of Jesus with Nard (John 12:3).